Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Beaufrey's Posse and the Almanac Warning

We've caught back up with Beaufrey and David, on the finca with Serlo. I think the pictures Serlo handed David while out riding really were of Monte, because Serlo's character is detached and doesn't go for mind-games. I think he got fed up with Beaufrey toying around with David, and decided to put an end to the game. And although David thought the child in the picture was too big to be his, he hadn't seen his baby in well over ten weeks, and they grow fast. With Eric and now David gone, Seese is the only one not of sangre pura whose death Beaufrey hasn't caused. I hope that ultimately, Beaufrey will get what's coming to him. He and Serlo's ideas about pure blood are ridiculous- in the book, the non-mestizo indigenous they look down upon also have pure blood, so what makes them "filth"? The Alternative Earth Unit Serlo has designed is very weird. But he senses the uprising of the people and has good reason to be concerned, which brings me to...

...the almanac. Its purpose has been revealed- in the same manner that the arrival of Cortez was predicted, the fragments Lecha is trying to preserve record what will happen in the coming days regarding the same struggle, Native American vs European (or the upper classes vs the downtrodden lower ones, if you choose to look at it that way). The Almanac predicts that just as a hurricane builds, strikes, destroys, and is receded, the Europeans/oppressors will also fade away, restoring the land and society to its proper former balance. I had no clue what the almanac could be about that would be so important, but as a guide to the coming tumultuous days to let people know what to expect, I can't think of anything more practical.

And, of course, what ties these two aspects of the book together is that the spirits must be very disgruntled with people like Beaufrey, and when the upper classes fall, he'll be among them.

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