Sunday, March 7, 2010

Almanac: Too. Much. Sex.

So. It's really hard to follow a book which jumps around so much, introducing so many new characters and story lines we forget the details of the ones we read about 200 pages ago.

That said, what is Silko's deal with sex? I know it's a part of life, but really?! I don't care if the chief of police's prick gets hard thinking about a date with his new mistress, or if Leah 'rode herself raw' on Trigg's 'rod,' or if Menardo ejaculated across the sheets, or if Alegria likes it from behind. EW. Considering the book is a portrait of the lower levels of society, am I to assume that every single one of them lack morals, since they have ALL cheated on their significant others? Does she want me to think everyone in the margins of society has nonstop, indiscriminate sex? And that every single male will follow the whims of his fickle, greedy penis?

That said, I do understand that sex plays an important function in the book. In many cases, such as Leah sleeping with her business clients or Zeta with her boss, it has functioned to consolidate power and help the women get ahead. And it serves as a portrayal of human lust, since I can't recall a single instance in which two people slept together out of actual love. It is a portrait of male power, especially in cases such as the skinny secretary having bruises on her genitals from someone's "loaf" of an organ. But jeez people, keep it in your pants!

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